If you have a good product or service as a startup and now you want to create a new logo to make it available to your customers, then this guide will be useful for you.

How to create a logo that connects business and customers

•Create simple logos that are easily understood by anyone

The most easily recognizable logos in the world are the specialty of their design.  Although simplicity can be shown in many ways, but the most important thing is that your logo is easily understood.  According to Lisa McKenna, senior brand strategy at brand strategy agency Arrow North, a good logo does not make anyone think its meaning.  At the same time, Steve Prichard, Digital Marketing Consultant at marketing company Anglo Liners, says that while walking, people only see a glimpse of your logo.  In such a situation, they cannot be expected to remember any complex design.  Therefore, it is necessary to simplify the design.  The best examples are Nike and McDonald's Logos.

•Any memorable logos are made in the first place in the mind

A good logo is one that makes a place in the consumer's mind in the first place.  The main goal when designing any logo is to establish a strong connection between the brand and the potential customer.  The more memorable your logo is, the stronger your connection will be.  This point is deeply connected to the first point of simplicity.  However, a person should be representative of the personality, tone and core values ​​of the brand, to be easy to become memorable.  For example, the Apple logo points to one of the company's core values ​​- making personal computing accessible to everyone.  Also memorable logos are unique, but not generic.  You can see this in the logos of Nike, Adidas, Microsoft and Pepsi.

•Logos will be versatile then it will fit into all kinds of medium

These logos are easy to use on various marketing materials.  While the logos of Apple, Nike and McDonald's look good on giant signboards, they also fit well on a small pen.  Logos of detailed designs may look good on banners, but not necessarily on small marketing materials such as stickers.  You also have to see if your logo will look as good in a magazine as on a website.  It is important for a logo to look good in all these places, because to reach it among the customers, you may have to resort to every medium.

•Trusted Logos tells customers what your value is as a company.

Chelsea Durks, owner of Stella del Nord Public Relations, says that people should support your brand identity and your identity as a company.  This gives credibility to your logo.  However, the logo is not necessarily directly related to the functioning of your brand.  Just like the Jaguar company logo is a Jaguar, but that does not mean that the company is associated with Wildlife, but rather the logo matches the company name and expresses the elegance and speed that Jaguar drives its customers.  Wants to feel the time  This is how a trusted logo tells customers what you are as a company.

•Timeless logos are always in trend by staying away from the relevent and temperate trends.

The last and one and the most special point is that all good logo are timeless.  They always stay away from temperate trends while being relevant.  The special thing about them is that while TimeLogos can connect with their target customers even today, they are able to do so even after twenty years from today.  Logos of the world's biggest brands meet the test, whether it is Starbucks' mermaid or Amazon's arrow from A to Z.  If you too are designing a logo for your brand, then think about how people will react to it ten, twenty or thirty years from today.