If you want to stay strong in life, then every change should be accepted and adapted to it. Change in life cannot be avoided, so it is good to accept it with laughter. Know how to accept change -
Change was an option earlier, now it is needed, that is, change should be our priority to be successful. Most people know how to start the process of change, but only a few people are successful in reaching its result. Change is not only necessary for personal success, but it is also necessary for all the big industries, institutions and units in the world. The world prefers the same business or method, which gives more solutions to people with creativity and innovation. Now we have to adopt this ideology in our life and mold the habit of change in our health, education, career, relationships and other habits. Change is related to our mind, that is, whatever we are about to do, we have to prepare for it so that we can prepare our mind for significant change.
1. What to change and why
Everyone talks that we should change, change is necessary etc. But how to recognize that 'why to change'? First ask yourself how satisfied are you with what you are doing now? If every area of life has to be given a rating, then how much will it be? What have you learned in the last six months? Have you learned a new skill, language or technique? What have you done for yourself in personal life? What did you do for the relationship? All these questions will give us a direction as to why we have to change? Otherwise, if we try to make some changes only by external pressure or influence, then we will not be motivated for long.
2. Move slowly
Any new work or change creates pressure for us mentally and physically, that is, we have to go through our fear for the new work. This fear is in doing any new work, meeting new people, going to a new place. So when you want to be friends with fear, do it slowly, that is, divide the change into small pieces. Any habit or work has to be started a little and then gradually increase in the same way. If you adopt this method, then you become used to the changes physically and mentally.
3. Preparing for the next change
Whenever it seems that everything is going well, haven't learned anything new for a long time and have become accustomed to the same monotonous routine, then stop for a while. Get ready for the journey of change again. Internal change is more important than external change. People will soon see the external change but you will be inspired by the internal change. The same internal change will give permanent results. Be ready for change, because you know that nothing is permanent in life.
4. Prepare yourself for long practice
Anyone who has achieved big goals has practiced for a long time. Habits of a short time are not permanent. Practice long enough to make change a part of life. Create a vision statement that keeps us motivated. It should be such that whenever you read it, it seems that work, change is happening right now in front of you. The initial 20 to 30 days is the time for any habit to develop and in 90 days that habit will become a part of life because by then its neuropaths are formed in the brain. So prepare yourself for patience and practice.
5. Be gentle with yourself
Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself to be comfortable with the change.
Now when we are adopting the process of change, many times it happens that we are not able to do that new practice, habit or change. Instead of getting frustrated in this situation, understand that we want to change something and in any change it takes time to break the pattern formed over the years of mental and physical state. We humans are used to living in a comfortable state. So whenever that work is not done, accept it easily and start practicing again. You just focus on your goal.
The world prefers the business or method. Which gives more solution to people with creative and innovative. Now we have to adopt this ideology in our life and mold the habit of change in our health, education, career, relationship and other habits.